With her fifth album soon to be released, Ashley Jordan signs an important new chapter in her brilliant music career!
Talented singer-songwriter Ashley Jordan is one of those artists who stand out from the crowd thanks to her unique sound, honest and genuine lyrics, and outstanding ability to connect with her audience through her music!
Today, at Planet Singer, we have the pleasure of diving into the world of incredible singer-songwriter Ashley Jordan, and discovering more about her artistic journey with an exclusive interview!
Hi Ashley, thanks for being with us today! Your career is incredible, with 4 full-length albums, countless performances on the most prestigious stages, opening from legends such as The Beach Boys, to Billboard Chart hit-maker Jimmie Allen, to the legendary Charlie Daniels Band, a Grammy nomination, and much more on the list! We are thrilled to know more about you and your artistic journey, so, let’s start from the very beginning. When did you discover your passion for music?
Hi Grant, thanks so much! I got my start in music at a very early age – dancing around the house singing all the Disney songs I learned from the movies. I was a very shy kid, but music truly brought me to life and out of my shell because it is such a true expression of who I am on the inside. I would write poems and stories and fill my notebooks and diaries to the brim with creative short stories, tales, and poems – and those “poems” I came to realize were really just my original songs without melodies! I got my first guitar at 9/10 years old and learned what I could – a family friend taught me for a bit when I was 10/11 years old. I entered a talent show for singing around 12 years old and that really kicked things off for me. At that point, I was teaching myself guitar – I took vocal lessons for about 9 years and I felt truly ready to “Take off” with guitar as well. I met a singer/songwriter performer by the name of John Gerard who was a very well-known street/subway performer in the Boston area. I saw him featured at one of the open-mics I was playing at the time. I was 12/13 at the time – And I will never forget meeting him and being in complete awe of his musicianship, performance, and guitar skills on stage at the show. I approached him and asked him if he would be willing to work with me and he said yes. John Gerard changed my life as a musician, as a songwriter, as a performer – I can’t really put into words how much his kindness, divine teaching and friendship helped shape me as a young-aspiring musician. I started street performing/busking in downtown Cambridge, MA after that near the Harvard Coop and in the Boston subways. It really helped me hone my craft as a performer and songwriter.
Your fifth album will be out soon, can you tell us something about it?
I am very much looking forward to releasing my next album. This album really feels like who I am as an artist and the stories and mood I want to share feel the most authentic to me as a person, and who I have become over the years…a lot of soul-searching and learning along the way. I finally feel like I am back to being truly ME – and that is a WIN in my eyes. I am very much looking forward to sharing it.
What’s your dearest memory of the summers spent in the Ozark Mountains?
There are certainly too many to share – I think there is this general feeling of happiness and nostalgia when I think of those times spent with my parents, siblings, and my grandparents. Music was always playing, lots of laughter, smiles – my grandpa and grandma telling us all their stories of life and love. I know everyone is biased, so I’m sure I am to an extent – but I’m blessed enough to know that I may have had one of the best childhoods of all time. Because I was surrounded by so much epic love, support, and joy.
If you could collaborate with one of the artists that influenced your sound the most, who would you like to share a song and the stage with?
This is a tough one! I have several favorites – but I think if I had to choose I would say Garth Brooks, Chris Stapleton, and Randy Montana. I can’t pick just one!!!!

Your songwriting is unique, can you reveal what your creative process is? How does your music come to life?
That’s a great question – and the answer is that it varies! A lot of times I’ll have a song “hook” that comes to me, sometimes with a melody behind it. Sometimes, it will be a chorus idea that comes first with a general melody with it. At times, I’ll just have a melody idea that I have to hum into my phone right away before I lose it! I also will have times where I have just lyrics that are written that I then will create a mood/melody and chords to go along with it. It really depends on the tune itself and where it’s leading me on that particular project. I like to keep it as spontaneous and in-the-moment as I can, as I truly feel like the best songs are born that way. In the middle of the night or in the middle of a class, or in the middle of a busy event or show. It always feels like a nice escape!
Where do you find your inspiration?
Life! Things I’ve been through and experienced. Books, stories, things I’ve heard or noticed or observed, I find inspiration in my friends, family, and more. Feelings, vulnerability, and the truth that others shy away from – sometimes saying it in a song is a great way to get through it, and also a great way to connect to others. All of our battles may be vastly different as humans, but in a way our feelings are the same – we have all “been there” more times than one. Music heals us and can bring us closer as people. You are never truly “alone” in your feelings if you think about it!
Your journey officially began when, at only 13, you convinced your parents to allow you to set up shop on a street corner of Harvard Square in Cambridge where you performed with your guitar for the crowds gathered around you. If you could travel back in time, what would you say to that 13-year-old Ashley?
I would say: “Buckle up, you are in for a rough ride – but try to enjoy the “little moments,” ya know? the ones that don’t seem important at all. I’d tell myself to pay attention to all of it, take it all in. Because those small, “insignificant moments” that most forget, are the truly unforgettable beauty of your life and they will be the stories that become hope wrapped in inspiration. They will be funny anecdotes that you will someday share on stage with an audience who paid to see you play and hear you sing your stories. I’d also tell my younger self that the tough times to come that seem so bad while in the trenches trying to muddle through – that they will all be worth it, every second, every word – they will become the songs that helped you heal and triumph in ways that others will never understand. And last of all I’d tell myself that it’s all ok, you are going to be more than OK! Keep going, keep smiling, don’t let the world make you hard, stay loving, stay kind.
Not only do you have a great talent as a singer-songwriter, but you also have a big heart. Your non-profit Furever Luv raises awareness and funds for an important topic such as animal rescue. Can you tell us more about this initiative?
Thank you so much – you are too kind! I started my organization/non-profit for rescue dogs back in early 2018 after adopting my second pup Ranger. What A LOVING, ADORING, perfect little soul that he is!! There was a true need for a group that could help to support animal shelters that do not get financial aid or funding from state programs. Many of the shelters that we assist are grass-roots run/family-run rescues that have volunteers who work 3 other jobs and more and are helping these beautiful rescue pups out of the goodness of their hearts! Shelters are always getting new dogs coming in, even after adopted dogs go out – it’s a fast revolving door, and many dogs are abandoned and left behind at shelters or worse, the rescues have to go out to find these abandoned pups and bring them to safety at their rescue/shelters. Unfortunately, all of this takes a lot of time and money and for grass-roots shelters, they really need all the help/support they can get! Most are running thin on funds, donations/supplies, and more – and that’s where “Furever Luv” comes in. I collect all year long for several shelters, all kinds of donations from fundraising funds, to necessary medications, supplies, toys, towels, beds, food, blankets, cleaning supplies, you name it! We transport these items to our different area shelters and beyond throughout the state and out of state to help support the rescue dogs. We fill anywhere from 10-15 foot trucks full for each shelter that we support. All for the love of dogs, no paws left behind! I’m so grateful for all my volunteers that step up (from all over) to help support my organization Furever luv in reaching our goals and helping these beautiful rescue dogs in need. We hold events for fundraising and donations as well as collabs with local businesses to bring awareness and exposure to shelters and their dogs (and cats) who are looking for their “furever” homes and families! We try to spotlight these animals and help to support the shelters in finding suitable homes for pets through social media campaigns and more. I’m so grateful for the help and work we have been able to do so far!

What are your plans for the future?
Time will tell!
Ashley, it was such a pleasure having you with us. We can’t wait for your new album to be out! Is there anything you would like to say to our readers and your fans?
Thank you so much for having me! Yes, to whoever is reading this, keep your head up and keep on keeping on… Time is a gift, be present in every little moment – cherish it! Xo – AJ
Check the links below, discover more about Ashley Jordan and her music, and don’t forget to add her tracks to your favorite playlists!
Official Website: www.ashleyjordanmusic.com
Furever Luv Website: www.fureverluv-official.com
Spotify: Ashley Jordan
YouTube: Ashley Jordan
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