Sometimes you need a lot of listenings before you can appreciate a certain song, some other times you fall in love immediately with it. Blood Oath’s music falls into the second category. Today, at Planet Singer, we have the opportunity to listen to their latest releases, the album “Casual Oaths” and the single “Mania A.K.A. Fog’s Promise”, two releases that are going to stay in our favorite playlists for a long time!
Blood Oaths is a music project that sees the collaboration of two talented artists, their modern approach, incredible sound research, and high attention to details are just a few of the characteristics of these two guys from Chicago.
The first time I listened to “Mania A.K.A. Fog’s Promise” I had to pause it a few times. The auditory experience that Blood Oath delivers is an unstoppable storm of energy, anger, and reality, that hits you right in the face with its honesty and incredible power! An incredible beat and a fantastic production support lyrics that I would consider modern poetry at its best! The perfect picture of today’s society, without silly filters or compromises! This is a real-life experience. The track is perfect both for movie soundtracks, motivational purposes, documentaries, videogames, radio, and much more. It simply is a universal song! Well done guys!
“Casual Oaths” starts with a very interesting and innovative opening track that sets the mood and gives a clear idea of the style of Blood Oath. Their sound research, attention to detail on the arrangement, and lyrics are pretty unique. Very hard to find something similar in the market and this is a rare quality especially in Rap and Hip Hop!
Moving to the second track, “Vykki” is probably one of the most intense tracks of this EP. Every verse is a crescendo of energy and passion thanks to the very powerful lyrics. Art meets real life, a beautiful piano sound, and the modern arrangement, supported by a catchy beat, frame the incredible rapping and outstanding interpretation of these guys. The level is very high.

Rappers must have the perfect sense of rhythm, we all agree on this. However some of them travel on a completely higher level, their work on the metric is mind-blowing, that’s the feeling we had listening to the third track “Looking For It” Ft. Captain Jaybe. This is how it is done guys. “Love To The World” with the incredible base arrangement, the kids’ background vocals, an emotional ending and a very strong and deep message is, in my opinion, one of the best Hip Hop tracks of 2020 so far.
The last track is a bonus and we are very happy it has been included. “How Much I Smoke” is another example of sound research, unique arrangement, and style that make Blood Oath original, fresh and entertaining. They stand out of the crowd of rappers and Hip Hop artist that repeat the same sounds and beats over and over again. Blood Oath’s approach to songwriting is also very mature and effective. Their message is clear and direct, without any useless compromises.
Check the links below to discover more about Blood Oath and don’t forget to add “Casual Oaths” and “Mania A.K.A. Fog’s Promise” to your favorite playlists!
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