Today, at Planet Singer, we have the great pleasure of discovering more about Don’s world in an exclusive interview!
Hi Don, and thanks for being with us today at Planet Singer! Let’s start by saying you are a true power of nature, but also that all your achievements are the result of work, both hard and smart, passion and talent! Talented artist, best-selling author, and businessman, we are thrilled to know more about your journey, so let’s start from the very beginning. When did you discover your passion for music?
I was born with a passion for music since as early as I could remember! Influenced by hip-hop and old-school R&B, I began writing poetry as a teen to express my feelings, and it eventually turned into my hip-hop career.
When did you feel the need to help others by motivating them?
I don’t necessarily feel the need to motivate others it’s just something that comes naturally to me, so I use it to my advantage and make sure to create a living from this natural talent.

Your music is direct, genuine, and straightforward. A single like “We Made It,” feat Fresco Kane talks straight to the listeners with no compromises. Can you tell us more about this song?
It’s a song of triumph about how I came from the dirt and turned it into diamonds. A song that proves if you stick to your goals, anything can happen!
You are also very active and always informed on the newest trends; you own your own clothing brand and are involved in many other initiatives. How important is it for you to keep your eyes and ears wide open in a time when fake news and fake gurus flood the internet?
It is very important. Even groups have spoken against me. But the truth never changes; anything else is falsehood, so stay grounded and one with yourself. What goes around comes around, so make sure to only dish out what you intend to receive.
Music, like other industries, is constantly changing too. New technologies always change the game’s rules, and the new frontier of the Metaverse is reality. What do you think about it and its role in the future of the music industry?
I believe technology is important for any nation and for capitalism. It continues to evolve us as a community and expand and change the way we think and live, therefore, the way we deliver our services.

Do you think artists should focus less on streaming and start making more NFTs?
I wouldn’t necessarily say that. You should always just focus on your craft and be the best you that you can be. NFT is important, and every artist should begin to look into it because now is the time. I offer a book on NFTs for beginners available on Amazon called DEEZ NFTs.
If you could collaborate with one of the artists that inspired your artistic path, who would you like to share the stage or a song with?
Yung Bleu, I have been following his career since his beginning stages, and he is a huge motivator for me!
Fantastic! So, where do you find your inspiration?
My offspring Elijah and Izayah.
What are your plans for the future?
Music Publishing, Music Management, and continue helping small businesses grow!
Don, it was such a pleasure having you with us today! Is there anything you would like to say to our readers?
Thank you for rocking with Don Kilam. Be sure to add me on social media platforms, look out for my music video, “We Made It,” Featuring Fresco Kane, and always remember: prosperity is your birthright! Peace and love!

Check the links below, discover more about Don Kilam’s music and books, and don’t forget to share and add his tracks to your favorite playlists!
Don Kilam talks about his music and much more in an exclusive interview!
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