An Exclusive Interview With Talented Singer-Songwriter Dylan Walker!

It is always a pleasure discovering new talents, especially when you are lucky enough to witness their first steps in their artistic career. While most artists, nowadays, focus on the number of streams, views, and likes their music receive, others still prioritize their music, diving deep into their heart and translating their feelings, memories, dreams, and emotions into memorable melodies and inspiring lyrics. Artists like Dylan Walker are those who can still make a difference and stand out from the crowd thanks to their genuine, honest and fresh approach to songwriting, recording, and performing. Today, at Planet Singer, we have the great pleasure of listening to his brilliant debut single “All I Need Is You,” discovering more about his story and his artistry in an exclusive interview!


Hi Dylan, it is such a pleasure having you with us today at Planet Singer. Your debut single, “All I Need Is You,” is an excellent release, and we are curious to know more about it, but let’s start from the beginning. Who is Dylan Walker?

My name is Dylan Walker; I’m 25 years old, and I’m a singer-songwriter from Surrey. Last Friday (19th Mar 2021), I released my debut single, ‘All I Need Is You,’ on all streaming platforms. This song is very personal to me. I started writing it last year when I was in a bad place, and I finished it earlier this year, in a better place, since overcoming most of the struggles. I wrote it for my mum, and it’s all about realizing what is truly important in life and what’s not. Last year I could have had all of the money and fame in the world, but it wasn’t what I needed. I needed my mum – and she was there for me like she always has been – and always will be.

What best defines your childhood life?

One word – Tennis. From as early as age three up until 16, childhood was: eat, sleep, and tennis. My dad was a former ex-professional tennis player whose claim to fame is boasting a win over former world number 4 Tim Henman. After his career ended over an injury, I think his new dream became living his tennis career through me – so I just followed in his footsteps. I’d train six days a week, before, during, and after school sometimes, and spent most weekends on the road with him traveling playing tournaments.

You have just told me that tennis defines your early life. Do you have any regrets about quitting tennis?

I think you only regret the things you didn’t do in this life, and I did ‘do’ tennis – I gave it a shot – it didn’t work out, but I’ll never regret trying. And, funnily enough, I’m almost glad it didn’t, as it allowed me to find and develop my deep passion for music and kick-start my career in music. And, I wouldn’t change that for the world. Tennis also taught me many great disciplines, but mainly that success only comes from hard work; it’s earned. That was a good lesson to learn early on in life.

Also, between Spain and England, where did you enjoy living most?

That’s a tough one because I love both. England’s great; I just wish it was warmer. But, despite the cold, I’d have to say England still as it’s where I’m from, where my friends and family are, and it’s where most of my special memories growing up took place. 

How have you developed your career from Tennis to Music?

Music has always been there for me alongside my tennis, helping me through the struggles, the pressure, the winning, and the losing. It was also my best friend on the road – with all the time I spent traveling, especially alone, music kept me company. I’ve always loved music. I used to play the drums at school and have played the guitar for a long time, so I think it was a natural progression for me. I put the racket down and picked the guitar up. And, with my tennis attitude and hard-working discipline, I got stuck in, and here we are.

The music industry is changing fast. New technologies, digital platforms, and social media algorithms change rapidly, reshaping the music world every time and redefining how artists release and promote their music. If you could have changed anything about the industry, what would it be?

I’d make pay for smaller artists fairer. Not always, but often, a lot of their earnings from their hard-work gets swallowed up by big players in the industry.

How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?

I think it’s been a good and bad thing. Good in the sense it’s allowed more artists to be heard and get their music out there, when before they may have just gone unnoticed to most. But, personally, I think it’s also a bad thing as it’s made a lot of music more about image and show and less about making great music.

What is your favorite song to perform?

I’d have to say a new song I wrote actually, which isn’t out yet called ‘We Are Meant To Be.’

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

If we could bring Elvis Presley back, I’d love to do a stripped-back acoustic version of “Can’t Help Falling in Love” with him. Otherwise, currently, it would have to be John Mayer. There is literally nothing that guy can’t play on a guitar.

What are your plans for the future?

Well, as I said earlier, my new single ‘All I Need Is You’ just came out, so I’ll be promoting that as much as I can. I’ll then be back in the studio to work on my next two singles, which I’ve written, ‘Life Began With You’ and ‘We Are Meant To Be,’ which I can’t wait for you to hear. They’ll be coming out in May and June, hopefully.

Dylan, it was such a pleasure having you with us today; we really can’t wait for your next singles to be released. Is there anything you would like to say to our readers? What is one message you would give to your fans?

Don’t try to be someone else. Be yourself.

Check the links below, discover more about Dylan Walker and his music, and don’t forget to add his tracks to your favorite playlists!

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