"Blocked" is an excellent release, a song that goes straight to the point without any compromise!
Tally Bandz is back with her new official release, a single that shows once again her incredible talent and charisma. Catchy beat, powerful lyrics, and Tally’s outstanding performance and stamina make “Blocked” an incredible single that will resonate with all women out there!
Today, at Planet Singer, we have the great pleasure of discovering more about this talented artist and her music with an exclusive interview!

Hi Tally, thanks a lot for being here with us today. Your four official singles are incredible, and we can’t wait to know more about your artistic journey, so let’s start from the very beginning. When did you discover your passion for music?
Thank you for taking the time to interview me! It’s ya girl Tally Bandz aka Tally Bando aka The Queen of Baddie music and I discovered my passion for music back in 2017. I was on the set of a music video as a model, and the artist asked me if I could sing or rap after I showed him a video of me performing as a singer in a movie, I told him nope I couldn’t. But he said, “you’re a great performer” and he could make me sound good and told me to come to the studio. So, I went and after just one session I fell in love with the art of creating music. Also, my alter ego Tally Bandz was born.
Your latest single, “Blocked,” is such a great song, inspiring and captivating. Can you tell us more about it?
Thank you! It’s funny because “Blocked” was supposed to be a love song. My producer and I started working on Blocked months before the whole pandemic, but we didn’t finish it. And when I started the song, I was in a whole other mind frame. I was seeing this guy at the time and was head over heels in love with him. But he wasn’t treating me right, and he was emotionally unavailable, so it didn’t work out. So, when I started the song, I was talking about how much I loved this guy, but we were toxic together. Then when I came back to finish the song, me and the guy had officially ended things. That’s when I decided to scrap the lovey-dovey-ness and turn up the savage mode hence the lyrics “made him spend a bag then I blocked his ass.”

“Blocked” is not only an anthem for all women. It is also a big message for all those men who need to remember what respect is. How do you think this song is received by the men’s sphere?
Honestly, every guy I’ve played the song for loves it. They think it’s a great song. I feel like they mostly just like the beat, though. They say it sounds good and catchy. But I think secretly, a lot of men love a bossy take-charge woman. It can be a turn-on to them haha.
Where do you find your inspiration?
My inspiration comes from my own real-life experiences. A lot of my songs are fueled by traumatic relationships I’ve been in with men. It took a lot of self-love, working on myself, and developing a strong and solid relationship with God to heal myself from all my bad experiences. That is how I found my confidence, and I came to the realization that love should not hurt. Men are supposed to spoil you and treat you good, and I want every woman on this planet who has dealt with shitty men to find their confidence and to know this.
Are you planning any live or streaming gigs?
As of right now, no, but that is something I may do in the future.

If you could collaborate with one of the artists who influenced your music, who would you like to share a song and the stage with?
I would love to collaborate with Nicki Minaj.
Your songs have a powerful narrative. Can you reveal what your creative process is? How does your music come to life?
My creative process is simple. I never write anything beforehand; I just go to the studio and vibe out to beats. I will usually have a concept in mind I want the song to be about, but sometimes it comes to me after listening to a certain beat. Then I just start writing, and I make a hit every time.

And talking about narrative, your previous singles, “Act Right” and “Conceited AF,” are other excellent releases that stand out thanks to the excellent songwriting, powerful performance, and direct message. Can you tell us more about these two songs?
“Act Right” came about one day in the studio, working with my producer. I told him I wanted to write a song about a guy that wasn’t acting right, so I take charge and whip him into shape to either get it together or I’m out. And for “Conceited AF,” I just told my producer I wanted to make a song about being a bad b*tch that’s confident and takes no shit from men or anyone for that matter, and “Conceited AF” was born.
What are your plans for the future?
My plan is to drop my mixtape in January 2022. It will have my singles on there, plus some new tracks and a possible surprise feature from an icon as well. And after that continue to grow my musicality and my fanbase.
Tally, it was such a pleasure having you with us today! Is there anything you would like to say to our readers?
Thank you so much for having me! And yes, please follow me on social media. On IG: @Tallybandzz Facebook: Tally Bandz Youtube: Tally Bandz and Twitter @Tally_Bandz and Tik Tok Tallybandz_ And stream my music! My new single “Blocked and “Conceited AF!” I’m out on all platforms!

Check the links below, discover more about Tally Bandz and her music, and don’t forget to add her songs to your favorite playlists!
Official Website: www.talishawofficial.com
Spotify: Tally Bandz
YouTube: Tally Bandz
Instagram: tallybandzz
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