With her song, "Waiting For You," J Giavanna signs a fundamental step in her music career, showing not only her incredible talent but also her artistic maturity!
Captivating and engaging, “Waiting For You” is one of those songs that talk straight to the listeners’ hearts through excellent songwriting, brilliant production, and J Giavanna’s outstanding performance!
Today, at Planet Singer, we have the great pleasure of discovering more about this talented artist with an exclusive interview!
Hi J Giavanna, it is such a pleasure having you with us today at Planet Singer! Your recent single is a great release that marks an important stage in your career, and we are thrilled to know more about your artistic journey! So, let’s start from the beginning; How did you discover your passion for music?
Thank you so much for having me! You are awesome!
I have always had a passion for music, but I’m just now really coming out of my introverted shell. I grew up with family in the music industry all my life. My father worked with major labels running the promotions department. He worked with labels like Interscope and Columbia records. So when I was growing up, my father traveled a lot with major artists but worked from home. We constantly had music coming to our door of artist new music before it ever came on the radio. I use to go grab those CDs out of my dad’s office and study them, Then take out a pen and paper and create my own songs. This started around the age of 10 years old. My uncle Sammy Alfano was a manager and discovered major artist, and a lot of my other family was in the industry, so I’ve always been around music.
“Waiting For You” is such a great song; can you tell us more about it?
Waiting For You is a holy love song about waiting for God, and praying for a soul mate, and not settling for less than a forever soul mate because our body is our temple. Keep the fake love away, and wait on the real love sent from God.
Can you tell us what inspires you?
God inspires me, and my family inspires me; beautiful souls inspire me, beautiful places inspire me; evil also inspires me to destroy evil.
Your music has that unique sound that makes you recognizable. “Waiting For You” is captivating also for the late 90’s early 2000’s vibes, revisited in a modern way. Can you tell us what your creative process is? How do your songs come to life?
I love all kinds of music and have many different styles. I will just hear a beat I click with; I will freestyle the first several bars; if I feel it hit my soul, I start to write brand new original lyrics from my mind, heart, and soul, coming from a supernatural holy place and create a new original song.
Great beats and excellent melodies, all this supported by meaningful and genuine lyrics. How important is it for you to connect with your listeners and deliver a powerful message that can inspire and motivate them?
I think it is very important to to to deliver the right messages. I’m not a follower of this world; I’m a teacher, a leader, and a follower of the holy spirit. I’m a mystic, so everything has to be real and genuine. I don’t do fake vibes.
If you could collaborate with one of the artists who influenced you the most, who would you like to share the stage or a song with?
Probably Mariah Carey. I can’t sing high notes like her lol Her high notes can shatter windows lol, But I was always inspired by her when I was a kid. Her music helped me through dark times. I love her classics.
The last couple of years have been tough on the music industry. Clubs and Theaters have been replaced by Instagram and YouTube live-stream. What do you think about this change? Do you think it is a temporary trend, or is it the new normal? Are you scheduling any gig or live stream anytime soon?
I think it will get back to normal. I think it’s already starting to get back to normal. I don’t have any gigs scheduled yet. I’m just working on creating new music to put out soon.
One of the strengths of “Waiting For You” is also your excellent interpretation of the beautiful lyrics. Let’s talk about your voice. What’s your relationship with your instrument? Did you attend vocal lessons, or are you a natural talent?
I have maybe had two vocal lessons in my whole life. I just open my mouth and sing; I honestly use to rap and only sing a little. I didn’t even think of myself as the best singer before lol. I always loved to sing, though. I found it healing and therapeutic.
What are your plans for the future?
My future plans are to make new music, promote my clothing line sunandmoonclothing.com And I have another high-end Italian brand I’m working on from Italy, then start doing shows eventually and helping wherever God needs me as a holy humanitarian.
J, it was such a pleasure having you with us today! Your single “Waiting For You” is truly amazing, and we can’t wait for your next release! Is there anything you would like to say to our readers?
I would like to say keep your head to the sky… Don’t let the devil steal the dreams God gave you. Stay pure, and don’t ever give up! Heaven has a plan for you! Trust and believe, and don’t ever let go.

Check the links below, discover more about J Giavanna and her music, and don’t forget to add her single “Waiting For You” to your favorite playlists!
Instagram: j.giavannaprovenzano
Spotify: J Giavanna Provenzano
Apple Music: J Giavanna Provenzano
iHeart: J Giavanna
Amazon Music: J Giavanna
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