Joel Moncherry releases his debut single, "I am a Dragon!"
Powerful, intriguing, and inspiring, "I am a Dragon" is the perfect debut single for talented artist Joel Moncherry, a song that showcases not only his great talent as a songwriter and performer but also a rare artistic sensibility and maturity!
Today, at Planet Singer, we have the great pleasure of listening to his song “I am a Dragon,” diving more into his world with an exclusive interview!
Hi Joel, thanks a lot for being with us today! Your style and energy captivate the listeners from the first second, and your debut single, “I am a Dragon,” is such a brilliant release! We are thrilled to know more about you, so let’s start from the beginning. When did you discover your passion for music?
First of all, I would like to thank Planet Singer for giving me this great opportunity to share about the music. I loved music from as far back as I can remember. Growing up in a family where I was constantly exposed to music has helped me to develop this love for music. I remember when I was still very young, I would visit my grandmother’s house daily(Which is about 100m from my house); I would observe all my uncles, cousins, and family members playing guitars and singing. So music was really part of our daily life. From primary school, my father enrolled me in the Seychelles Conservatoire of Music, where I learned music theory and playing the violin. During my youth days, I and a group of friends we came together and formed a musical group called prism. In the group, I was the lead singer, and also I wrote songs. We performed at different places in Seychelles. It was an amazing experience. I really learned a lot from those times. Going to University, I kind of put the music on hold for a while until now, where I really feel the urge to write songs and share the music once again with the world.
Can you tell us more about your single, “I am a Dragon?”
I am a Dragon is a song telling my life story. It is a motivational song telling people not to give up no matter how hard life hits you. If you have failed so many times, you must get up and try again and keep on following your dream. Learn from the shortcoming, get up, dust yourself up and keep running toward your dream. Why Dragon, you may ask. I was born in the year of the Dragon(according to the Chinese calendar), and that is why I chose the word Dragon. However, it does not matter what metaphor one uses. As long as the person feels empowered and increases his self-belief, then it should be fine. I have written other songs, which I would be releasing soon, but I felt that the song “I am a Dragon” should be the debut single.
The creative process is different from artist to artist. Can you reveal yours? How does your music come to life?
I am always thinking about music. Most of the times, the melody will just come to me, and I would just record it on my recorder. I always carry one with me so I can record any melody that comes to me instantaneously. The lyrics will come later. When I am in a calm state, I would write the lyrics and then refer back to my melody bank(So to speak) from my recorder. From then on, I would start to put them together to make a song that would tell a particular story. Most of the inspiration for my songs are from my own experiences in life.

You are from beautiful Seychelles and have lived for over twenty years in Brunei. What’s the music scene like there?
In Brunei, there are many aspiring and talented artists. I’ve had the privileged to meet with many of them. There are some spaces, however, where artists can showcase their music.
Where do you find your inspiration?
My inspiration comes from my life experiences and the need to make people happy while listening to music. I grew up listening to great artists like Michael Jackson, Abba, Bee Gees, and JayZ. I want to give people that same joy while listening to my music, hope I will be able to achieve that.
Motivating and inspiring, your song is a hymn to those who need to be motivated to carry on and find their path. How important is it to you to spread a positive message to your listeners?
It is absolutely important to me. I know people who want to do things and make a difference in their lives and other people’s lives. The only thing holding them back is fear. Fear of failing or fear of what other people might think. So I hope “I am a Dragon” would be able to help someone somewhere to stay focused and do what they love and follow their path. Everyone has a gift given to them by God. We all have to find our gift and use it to improve our lives and the lives of others.

Are you planning any live shows anytime soon?
I am now planning on doing some opening acts for other artists. When my other songs are released, then I will have enough materials for longer live shows. The fans can always refer to my Spotify and my other social media channel for more information on future live shows. I also hope Planet Singer will also be the platform where the fans can also get information about my future live shows.
If you could collaborate with one of the artists who influenced your artistic path, who would you like to work with?
It would definitely be a great honor to do a collaboration with JayZ. I mean, this will be a dream come true. I like his music and his business acumen. So I hope with the will of God, one day, this dream will come true.
What are your plans for the future?
To keep on writing songs and releasing music. It is my passion. That is what I love to do. In the near future, I would like to perform in Asia, Europe, and the US.
Joel, it was such a pleasure having you with us today! Is there anything you would like to say to our readers?
It was such a privileged to be interviewed by your channel, and to that, I say thank you. Please let me know what you think about my music. I would like to get feedback, so I can improve and become better in each new release. I am always learning, so the feedback from the readers will really help. Stay blessed.
Check the links below, discover more about Joel Moncherry and his music, and don’t forget to add his single “I am a Dragon” to your favorite playlists!
Spotify: Joel Moncherry
YouTube: Joel Moncherry
Exclusive interview with talented artist Joel Moncherry!
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