John Fishell Unveils Captivating New Single “Daisy Chains” – Exclusive Review

In a contemporary music panorama, often characterized by predictability and conformity, John Fishell emerges as a refreshing and enigmatic figure, defying convention with his latest single, "Daisy Chains."

With a unique blend of influences ranging from classical to jazz to rock, Fishell’s music transcends genres, standing out thanks to the originality of his songwriting, stamina, and unique sound. Drawing from a lifetime of diverse musical experiences, Fishell weaves together elements of rock, jazz, and world music with effortless precision. His formal classical training shines through in the intricacies of his compositions, while his professional experience with jazz legends adds depth and complexity to his sound.

His latest release, the excellent “Daisy Chains,” opens with a mesmerizing synth melody that sets the stage for what unfolds as a sonic rollercoaster ride. As powerful guitar riffs cascade over pulsating rhythms, Fishell’s masterful performance takes center stage, commanding attention with every note. From the infectious energy of the opening bars to the haunting beauty of the closing refrain, Fishell showcases his exceptional songwriting prowess and unrivaled musicality.


With “Daisy Chains,” John Fishell captivates listeners from the first note to the last; with its infectious energy, captivating melodies, and impeccable musicianship, the single showcases Fishell’s remarkable talent and unwavering dedication to his craft. Whether you already are a fan of Fishell’s work or discovering his music for the first time, “Daisy Chains” is a must-listen-to for anyone who appreciates quality rock music with a twist.


Check the links below, discover more about John Fishell and his music, and remember to add his songs to your favorite playlists!

Official Website:

Spotify: John Fishell

YouTube: John Fishell

Instagram: John Fishell

Facebook: John Fishell
