La’Monte releases his new single “Back In The Day” – Exclusive Review!

"Back In The Day" is one of those songs all Rap and Hip-Hop lovers cannot miss!

“Back In The Day” is an excellent release, a homage to real Hip-Hop music that digs into the memories of those who know the difference between authentic Rap and Hip-Hop and the mainstream products that are often pushed on the media.

Today, at Planet Singer, we have the great pleasure of sharing with you La’Monte’s latest single and diving into this talented artist’s world with an exclusive review of his “Back In The Day!”

“Back In The Day” is the brilliant homage of talented singer-songwriter La’Monte, who, thanks to his versatility and creativity easily shifts from quality Pop to R&B, Funky, and Blues. Gifted with a refined sense of melody and a deep understanding of the roots of Rap and Hip-Hop, La’Monte released a real masterpiece. No space for copy-and-paste beats and riffs you listen to on 99% of nowadays releases, “Back In The Day,” stands out from the first second to the last and should become a blueprint for all those young Rappers and Hip-Hop producers out there!


Through catchy arrangements, excellent rapping metrics, a powerful and direct lyrics, the song goes straight to the point and to the heart of the nostalgics of the Golden Era of Rap and Hip-Hop. “Back In The Day” is a rare gem of modern music, and we would love this could become a bigger project and maybe a full-length album; let’s hope so. In the meantime, we can’t wait for La’Monte’s next release!


Check the links below, discover more about La’Monte and his music, and don’t forget to add his tracks to your favorite playlists!

LinkTree: La’Monte

Spotify: La’Monte

Instagram: Lamonte_______

YouTube:  La’Monte

La’Monte releases his new single “Back In The Day” – Exclusive Review!

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