Viva Las Vegas! Today more than ever, thanks to Sage Courageous and their latest EP “The Glow”! It is always a pleasure discovering new artists and bands, especially when their sound is unique like this 4-piece from the city of sin. Today at Planet Singer we have the chance to share with you one of the most interesting releases of 2020 so far!
Sage Courageous is a rock band originally from Nevada that amazes thanks to their sound and energy! After the very interesting release of their debut album “The War Within” (2018), we are glad to see the four rockers back with newfound energy and a sound that in my opinion improved from the previous release, while still keeping that catchy and groovy sound that is the trademark of Sage Courageous!
Starting with a powerful intro, the first track “Push” sets the mood for this three-track EP, capturing the listener’s attention since the first seconds! The verses are very engaging, thanks to the great riffs of guitarist Adam Peiken (also keyboardist of the band) and Justin Jacobs, also the singer of the band! And it is also thanks to Justin’s voice that this track is a ten out of ten!
“Distracted” is another big surprise! This is one of those songs that show that the influences of these four guys are pretty vast and they can create fantastic music inspired by the classics of rock, hard rock, and metal. The first band that came to my mind listening to “Distracted” was Black Sabbath! The sound of this track is incredible, fantastic vibes and the incredible job of Brian Marks at the drums, the double bass drum part on the choruses gives even more dynamic to a very powerful track, thanks to the support of the metronomic bass lines of talented Ryan Arcoraci.

To close this great EP we find “Doublespeak”, a track where we again find a very energetic intro that introduces the great voice of Justin Jacobs in a song that reminds the best moments of Aerosmith’s golden era. The tasteful vocal harmonies are the perfect touch to give to this track the freshness and energy that is one of the trademarks of Sage Courageous. Another outstanding performance of Justin Jacobs behind the microphone, supported by a solid band and incredible production! Well done guys!

“The War Within” was a very good album, inside we can find some gems like the title track “War Within”, “Split In Two” and the beautiful “Wild Love”, but with “The Glow” Sage Courageous” made a big step forward. Their sound is still clearly recognizable but the quality of the songwriting, the arrangements, and the production of the whole EP is at a completely higher level. Sage Courageous raised the bar higher, and we can’t wait for their next full-length album!
Check the links below and discover more about these talented guys from Las Vegas, and don’t forget to add their tracks to your favorite playlists!
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