SOAPY BOY – “My Demo Scrapbook” Exclusive Review!

Engaging, energetic, and contemporary; these are just a few of the words we could use to describe Soapy Boy and his music. While most emerging artists focus on chasing the digital platform algorithm, using all their energy to collect Likes and Streams, there are still a few that have an intimate and personal approach to their music, focusing on the quality and uniqueness of what they create. Artists like Soapy Boy are true pioneers in a world that forgot what real art is meant to be. Today, at Planet Singer, we have the great pleasure of listening to his release “My Demo Scrapbook,” and experimental musical journey that will take far away to the place where music still matters.


Sydney Kerley is a talented singer, songwriter, and creative, gifted with a unique style and a brilliant music vision. His fantastic EP “My Demo Scrapbook,” starts with the emotional “Loving You,” a delicate and intimate song that shows how less, often, is more. The soft vocal lines describe exciting and intense melodies that, thanks to the minimal arrangement and perfectly balanced sound research, go straight to the point, touching the listeners deeply and leaving them in a dreamlike state of mind. The second track, “Out and About,” is a refreshing interlude that documents a walk, capturing life extracts randomly and spontaneously.

The experimental vibes reach the climax when the synth sounds reconnect and lead to the third song, “I Think,” which closes the circle. Once again, the intimate approach keeps the bar at the highest level possible. Catchy guitar arpeggios and a simple but effective rhythm make this song flow smoothly, keeping the track perfectly balanced. Once again, we can appreciate the soft and intimate vocals, a brilliant choice that gives the track uniqueness and personality! “My Demo Scrapbook” is an excellent Ep, and we can’t wait for Soapy Boy’s next release!

Check the links below, discover more about Soapy Boy and his music, and don’t forget to add his tracks to your favorite playlists!

Spotify: Soapy Boy

Instagram: soapyboysydney

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