In the overcrowded and synthetic nowadays music scene, true talent is every day harder to find. Real artists identify themselves by their creation and their music, forgetting the ego and sharing their talent with everyone. The Sidleys is one of these realities, and their music is like a big breath of fresh air after a long day! Today, at Planet Singer, we have the big opportunity of listening to “Breathless”, a dynamic and energetic album that is going to keep you excited and engaged from the very first track to the last one!
The Sidleys is an indie rock and soul band from Washington DC Area, created by husband and wife Annie and Steve Sidley. Don’t get fooled, they are not the typical “family band”, each component of the band is an incredibly talented musician and the chemistry that links them make of The Sidleys one of the best acts in its genre! Annie, with her warm and rich soulful voice and Steve, outstanding guitarist are joined by their sons to create some very special, with a unique sound that spans between indie rock, pop, soul, and much more!
“Breathless” is a fantastic album. Period! Starting from the opening track “Lately I Don’t See You Anymore” we can feel that the music these five musicians create is pure energy! The metronomic drumming of Sean, joined by the groovy bass lines of Colin, creates a fantastic rhythmic session that supports perfectly the catchy guitar riffs of Steve and the engaging and dynamic playing of Ian and his keyboards! To close the circle we have Annie that, thanks to her incredible voice, delivers an outstanding performance behind the microphone! The whole album flows smoothly, and we must hit the repeat button several times, especially for tracks such as “Break You Fall”, “Lullabies” and the title track “Breathless”, true gems of modern rock! Well done guys!
Check the links below to discover more about The Sidleys and their music, and don’t forget to add “Breathless” to your favorite playlists!
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