Timmy Turn Up's latest single, "Light Flex," is a release that you cannot miss!
When it comes to music, every artist is different, and especially in genres like Hip-Hop, the only way to be true to your art is to be true to yourself and to your fans! Artists like Timmy Turn Up know that quality music comes from the genuine approach, honest songwriting, positive attitude, and most of all, talent! With his latest singles, Timmy Turn Up proves he has what it takes to leave a sign in the Hip-Hop world!
Today, at Planet Singer, we have the great pleasure of discovering more about this talented artist with an exclusive interview!
Timmy Turn Up, thanks a lot for being here with us today at Planet Singer! Your latest singles are true manifest of how Hip-Hop can frame our society and capture a real picture of the world we live in. We are thrilled to know more about you and your artistic journey. But let’s start from the beginning; When did you discover your passion for music?
I always did music in some capacity for as long as I remember; when I was just starting out in school, my parents got me a violin, so I did that until high school but wasn’t in love with it; honestly, at the time, viewed it as embarrassing, as for hip-hop I always loved it my dad played a lot of mike jones and biggie I also grew up witnessing the runs of Lil Wayne, Eminem, and 50 Cent, so it was always around, I didn’t start writing full songs and trying to take it seriously until I was 19 or so before that I was just doing a little writing and freestyling around my friends, wasn’t confident enough in myself at the time to know if I could actually put together a real song.
“Light Flex” is an excellent track, powerful lyrics, a killer beat, and endless energy! Can you tell us more about this track?
Light Flex was recorded at ID Labs, and The video was shot with BlaccoutProductions on the Westmoreland Trail; the recording of the song was sick. I actually recorded this and six others that are coming on the project Pistolvania & The Prophet in the same session; it was really just a vibe the whole time. The shooting was hot, and for a video like that, it’s always kinda hard to get into it when you’re dealing with heat randoms walking cars, parking, etc, and at one point, these weird sticky things got on me, so if you watch the video on a tv in some scenes, you can peep where they were. Thankfully Blaccout is so nice with the camera that if you can give him gold moments, even if it’s not the whole take, he makes sure to get enough takes so the video looks as lit as possible.
Where do you find your inspiration?
My state. I live in Pennsylvania, really close to Pittsburgh, so there are tons of creative individuals to interact within everyday life; it’s easy to get something to spark the fuse, especially if you have a competitive spirit like me; there’s a couple of guys really killing it right now, so it keeps me on my A-game.

Your songwriting is truly unique. Can you reveal what your creative process is? How does your music come to life?
Pretty Much I just play beats and write at least an hour a day; then once I have a group of songs, I pick the ones I really like and record them, then I pick the recordings I really like and release them when I feel like the time is right, now that I’ve been doing it for a couple of years and have a system everything feels pretty natural and unforced and that in my opinion is how good music is made.
Great beats, intriguing lyrics, and stellar production support the strong messages that you deliver in each track. How important is it to you to be true to yourself and deliver a genuine message to your fans?
It’s super important to be yourself; the audience can tell if you’re saying something you don’t mean the delivery will sound uncertain when it comes to the message that’s where even I stumble; everyone wants to leave a positive message at the end of the day but the worlds not very positive in the age of the internet with so much drug usage and continued gun violence it’s hard to keep it out of the music, but I always do try my best and paint a realistic image of what it is in my body of work overall and definitely have songs containing positive vibes at the very least.
You are from beautiful Pittsburgh, PA. What’s the music scene like there?
Crazy talented, just separated; most of us don’t really mess with each other on a work level, let alone personal, so that makes things like shows or even just projects not as big as what I think they could be.
Despite your young age, you already achieved a lot, and you clearly are on the right path towards a successful music career. Where do you see yourself as a person and as an artist ten years from now?
Gotta be at least at the point of wiz is the goal he’s the biggest artist representing Pittsburgh now; I plan to be by then for sure.
If you could collaborate with one of the artists who inspired your music, who would you like to share a song with?
Probably, Kendrick Lamar, I think the pressure to deliver on that would get an insane verse from me, and he’s known to deliver, so I envision it being a really good song.

“Broke Boy” is another incredible track you released in April. Can you tell us more about this single?
I recorded Broke Boy at my house in my studio room; that sounds way cooler than it actually is lol, but that has been a wild ride once it won the no jumper live stream and got posted on the video is this what has become of Soundcloud rap people reacted so strong it jumped to my most viewed song quick when it was really a song a felt iffy about at the time of release.
Are you planning any live gig or live stream anytime soon?
We just did the black two school tour, so I’ll probably roll out these songs and chill until October and do a Halloween show, maybe tour again next winter or spring.
Hip-Hop is in constant evolution, and while many artists compromise with mainstream trends, artists like you remain genuine to themselves, keeping the focus on what is really important: the music! What do you think about the contemporary Hip-Hop scene?
It’s like any form of entertainment; some acts I can get into, especially if it seems authentic, some just come off as cheesy and forced. I would make the argument that the talent level is around the same as it’s always been just for some reason; mainstream media prefers the internet troll type of rappers to share as a whole, making it seem watered down.
What are your plans for the future?
Hopefully, get a song to hit 20k by the end of 2022, make XXL freshmen by 2025, win a major award or a couple in 2030.
It was such a pleasure having you with us today! Is there anything you would like to say to our readers and to your fans?
Shoutout to everyone rocking with me and the movement shoutout JStreet & J Silly. Let’s keep the ball rolling and vibe going.

Check the links below, discover more about Timmy Turn Up and his music, and don’t forget to add his tracks to your favorite playlists!
YouTube: Addictive Accidents
Instagram: timmyturnup_loud
Facebook: addictiveaccidents
TikTok: @timmyturnup412
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